Misc. Functions#

#include <dplx/cncr/misc.hpp>
namespace dplx::cncr {}
template<std::size_t N, typename T>
consteval auto make_byte_array(std::initializer_list<T> vs, T dv) noexcept -> std::array<std::byte, N>#

Casts every provided value to std::byte and returns a brace initialized array with the results.


T dv – a default value which is used in case of vs.size() < N


A byte array filled with the provided values.

template<typename R, std::size_t N, typename Fn, typename ...Args>
constexpr auto sequence_init(Fn &&initFn, Args&&... args) -> R#

The return object is brace initialized by the results of N invocations of std::invoke(initFn, args..., cncr::mp_size_t<n>{}) where n is the current counter value starting at 0.

This helper function is mainly useful for constexpr initializing complex array class members:

struct chunk_cfg;
struct data_chunk
    data_chunk() = delete;
    explicit constexpr data_chunk(const chunk_cfg &cfg);
template <std::size_t N>
class data_container
    using chunks_type = std::array<data_chunk, N>;
    chunks_type chunks;
    static constexpr data_chunk init_chunk(const chunk_cfg &cfg, [[maybe_unused]] std::size_t n)
        return data_chunk(cfg);
    constexpr data_container(const chunk_cfg &cfg)
        : chunks(dplx::cncr::sequence_init<chunks_type, N>(init_chunk, cfg))
template<typename R, typename Fx, typename ...Args>
constexpr auto sequence_init(Fx &&initFn, Args&&... args) -> R#

Invokes template <typename R, std::size_t N, typename Fn, typename... Args> sequence_init() with N = std::size(R{}).